Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Getting my Goat(s), Part Two

Having goats in my front yard for the past two days has been full of surprises. But before I get into that, I should bring you up to speed.

When I last wrote, Michael and Kristin Swanson, of Get Your Goat Rentals, were installing the fence, as the herd of 35 goats waited patiently with their protector, Sweet Pea, a beautiful Great Pyrenees working dog.


Once the yard was cordoned off with a portable electric fence, it was time for the goats and Sweet Pea to check out their new assignment.

In the event that Sweet Pea and the IntelliShock 284 failed to keep everyone in line, there was a low-tech back up plan waiting in the wings. Little Bo Peep's got nothing on these goatherds.  
But the unloading went off without a hitch, and the goats went right to work.
And there they have been for the past two days, happily chomping away. Their efforts are already transforming my front yard - and my neighborhood. More about that in my next post. But in the meantime, here's a sneak preview. Take another look at the bush in the photo above, to the left of the picture of the IntelliShock 284. Here's what that bush looks like as of this afternoon.  It was a crowd favorite!

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